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- ERC-20 Tokens (50)0.448282 aOptUSDCAave Optimis... (aOptUS...)$0.45@0.99990.339344 aOptUSDTAave Optimis... (aOptUS...)$0.34@1.0010.00021578 aOptWETHAave Optimis... (aOptWE...)$0.80@3,718.030.0000097 aOptwstETHAave Optimis... (aOptws...)$0.04@4,403.020.00452487 BALBalancer (BAL)$0.02@3.46120 COLLABCollab.Land (COLLAB)$0.17@0.00140.00112824 DAIDai Stableco... (DAI)$0.00@0.99980.00107138 BPT-WSTETH-WETHShanghai Sha... (BPT-WS...)0.0000089 sETHSynth sETH (sETH)$0.03@3,713.092.819464 SNXSynthetix Ne... (SNX)$8.68@3.080.09996 USD+USD+ (USD+)$0.10@0.99930.01589537 aOptAAVEAave Optimis... (aOptAA...)$3.97@249.96709 USD0 []ERC-20: ... (USD0 [...)9,600 Claim Airdrop: ethna.storeERC-20: ! Ethena (Claim ...)0.00201363ERC20 ***0.000011 variableDebtOptWETHERC-20: Aave Opti... (variab...)0.0093116 bathOPERC-20: bathOP v1 (bathOP)0.00040354 bathETHERC-20: BathToken... (bathET...)0ERC20 ***0ERC20 ***0.28549005ERC20 ***0.00009982 seth-fERC-20: ... (seth-f)0.98598684 sUSD3CRV-fERC-20: ... 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ConquerorERC-721Alchemix Academy: Elements of DeFi MasteryERC-1155ANNOUNCINGRETROPGFROUND3Announcing RetroPGF Round 3ERC-721BACKEDBackedCommunityERC-721BASEBase SubscriptionERC-1155$MEGOATCashmere Mainnet Early GoatERC-721CLDPCollab.Land DAO PassERC-721COLLECTINGARTWITHFRIENDSNICOLASSASSOONSAMMASONDECACollecting Art With Friends — Nicolas Sassoon, Sam Mason de CairesERC-721AmarokNFTConnext Amarok NFTERC-721CONNEXT OP#2 NFTConnext LP#2 - Optimism NFTERC-721APPATESTDappad Testnet EventERC-721ED STARTEREarndrop Airdrops StarterERC-721EventERC-1155Everything OnchainERC-1155STARFallen StarERC-721FIREFireERC-721FOCUSONCREATIVEWORKUSEHIGHLIGHTFORTHERESTFocus on Creative Work, Use Highlight for the RestERC-721FRIENDSFriends of Zapperx3ERC-1155OATGalxe OATx2ERC-721GALXEREBRANDCELEBRATIONOATGalxe Rebrand Celebration OATERC-721STGQuestGalxe's Stargate OP QuestERC-721GUIDETOOPTIMISMNFTSGuide to Optimism NFTsERC-721HOWTOMINTANNFTONQUIXHow to Mint an NFT on QuixERC-721INTRODUCINGDIRECTMESSAGINGWITHLENSAPIIntroducing direct messaging with Lens APIERC-721INTRODUCINGLENSV2Introducing Lens V2ERC-721LZELayer Zero ExpeditionERC-721CUBELayer3 CUBEx13ERC-721LINEAVOYAGEUPDATEFIRSTLOOKATTHELINEACOMMEMORATIVENLinea Voyage Update: First Look at The Linea Commemorative NFTsERC-721LINBLOGLinea: The Mirror CollectionERC-1155Loyalty ProgramLoyalty ProgramERC-721MF-DCA-PMean Finance - DCA x Optimism launchERC-721MINSIDERMirror InsiderERC-1155MIRRORZORBMirror ZorbERC-721MUSICNFTSCOOPRECORDSMINTINVESTINMUSICSPINAMPMusic NFTs — Coop Records, Mint, Invest in Music, SpinampERC-721NESTEDNestedNFTERC-721OnyxOnyxERC-721BRIDGOOOROP BridgooorERC-721OPDROP2OP Drop #2ERC-721OPDSBTOP-ARMY-DSBTERC-721Optimism Collective CollectionERC-1155OPTIMISMGOESMULTISUPERCHAINOptimism Goes m̶u̶l̶t̶i̶ SuperchainERC-721Optimism questOptimism quest SBTx18ERC-721OPNFTOptimism Subscriber NFTsERC-1155OPSNFTOptimism Subscriber NFTsERC-1155OPTIMISMWEEKLYRACE-WEEK2MINTINSIDEOptimism Weekly Race - Week 2 (mint inside)ERC-721SUPNERDSOptimistic ExplorerERC-721OWOptimistic WorldERC-721PBMTPath to Base MainnetERC-1155Polyhedra 2024Polyhedra 2024ERC-721POOBPOOBIRDSERC-721RHC-L2RabbitHole Credentials: L2ERC-721RHEXPLORERRabbitHole L2 ExplorerERC-721RHTRabbitHole Subscription NFTx4ERC-1155RHRRabbitHoleReceiptx10ERC-721RETROPGF2LEARNINGSREFLECTIONSRetroPGF2: Learnings & ReflectionsERC-721SAFEDROPSSafe Drops – A collection of drops from SafeERC-1155SEASON4OURNEXTEXPERIMENTINCOMMUNITYGOVERNANCESeason 4: Our next experiment in community governanceERC-721SNAPSHOTIN72HRS-CLAIMTHEFINALNFTSnapshot in ~72HRS - Claim The Final NFTERC-721SYNCSWAPDISTRO-OURMISSIONSyncSwap Distro - Our MissionERC-721SYNCSWAPERATESTNETISNOWLIVESyncSwap Era ∎ Testnet is now liveERC-721SNXGC-TradeComp-BETASynthetix GC BETA Trading CompetitionERC-721NRTVThe Narrative EdgeERC-1155TRU-OPTrueFi NFT OPERC-721VITRUSWAPINITIUMAIRDROPCAMPAIGNISLIVEVitruSwap INITIUM Airdrop Campaign is LiveERC-721WEOMVTWrapped Ethereum Optimism MAI VaultERC-721ZMRSZerion x Mirror OGsERC-1155ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]ERC-1155 TOKEN*[Spam]
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18 addresses found viaLatest 25 from a total of 1,257 transactions
Transaction Hash MethodBlockFromToApprove 128720434 2024-12-01 7:54:05 3 days ago 1733039645 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000000584704 0.0010005 Approve 128720135 2024-12-01 7:44:07 3 days ago 1733039047 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000000786806 0.0010005 Approve 128719973 2024-12-01 7:38:43 3 days ago 1733038723 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000000887259 0.0010005 Approve 127475928 2024-11-02 12:30:33 32 days ago 1730550633 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000000600149 0.00062449 Approve 127475918 2024-11-02 12:30:13 32 days ago 1730550613 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000000567598 0.00100037 Approve 127376549 2024-10-31 5:17:55 34 days ago 1730351875 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000000325954 0.0010005 Approve 127376548 2024-10-31 5:17:53 34 days ago 1730351873 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000000325579 0.0010005 Approve 127089865 2024-10-24 14:01:47 40 days ago 1729778507 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000000097287 0.00028307 Approve 127089858 2024-10-24 14:01:33 40 days ago 1729778493 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000000101134 0.0006381 Approve 127089857 2024-10-24 14:01:31 40 days ago 1729778491 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000000123446 0.0006381 Approve 127089854 2024-10-24 14:01:25 40 days ago 1729778485 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000000113005 0.0006381 Approve 127089849 2024-10-24 14:01:15 40 days ago 1729778475 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000000106494 0.0006381 Approve 127089834 2024-10-24 14:00:45 40 days ago 1729778445 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000000117465 0.00063809 Approve 127038891 2024-10-23 9:42:39 42 days ago 1729676559 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000000095391 0.001001 Transfer 127038890 2024-10-23 9:42:37 42 days ago 1729676557 IN 0.000000132217608 ETH$0.00 0.000000068978 0.0010011 Approve 127038881 2024-10-23 9:42:19 42 days ago 1729676539 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000000077974 0.001001 Transfer 127038879 2024-10-23 9:42:15 42 days ago 1729676535 IN 0.000000103091695 ETH$0.00 0.000000069695 0.0010011 Approve 126782172 2024-10-17 11:05:21 48 days ago 1729163121 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000000150133 0.0017768 Transfer 126782171 2024-10-17 11:05:19 48 days ago 1729163119 IN 0.000000199109955 ETH$0.00 0.000000152928 0.0017769 Approve 126766049 2024-10-17 2:07:55 48 days ago 1729130875 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000000384803 0.00997502 Approve 126766049 2024-10-17 2:07:55 48 days ago 1729130875 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000000315546 0.00997502 Transfer 126766048 2024-10-17 2:07:53 48 days ago 1729130873 IN 0.000000519892204 ETH$0.00 0.000000292573 0.0102831 Transfer 126766047 2024-10-17 2:07:51 48 days ago 1729130871 IN 0.000000632923839 ETH$0.00 0.000000292573 0.0102831 Approve 126766041 2024-10-17 2:07:39 48 days ago 1729130859 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000000311396 0.01003177 Approve 126766040 2024-10-17 2:07:37 48 days ago 1729130857 OUT 0 ETH$0.00 0.000000309762 0.01004141 Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)
Advanced mode:Parent Transaction Hash Block From To 121717571 2024-06-22 5:25:19 165 days ago 1719033919 0.011903415766533 ETH$44.20 121715643 2024-06-22 4:21:03 165 days ago 1719030063 0.004999999488914 ETH$18.57 121495125 2024-06-17 1:50:27 170 days ago 1718589027 0.001148315920178 ETH$4.26 120634282 2024-05-28 3:35:41 190 days ago 1716867341 0.000297294231498 ETH$1.10 120633835 2024-05-28 3:20:47 190 days ago 1716866447 0.00049410305329 ETH$1.83 120633621 2024-05-28 3:13:39 190 days ago 1716866019 0.004991778300806 ETH$18.54 116276682 2024-02-17 6:42:21 291 days ago 1708152141 0.000120669328439 ETH$0.45 116276632 2024-02-17 6:40:41 291 days ago 1708152041 0.00500014173117 ETH$18.57 115495335 2024-01-30 4:37:27 309 days ago 1706589447 0.001 ETH$3.71 115495182 2024-01-30 4:32:21 309 days ago 1706589141 0.001 ETH$3.71 115495161 2024-01-30 4:31:39 309 days ago 1706589099 0.001 ETH$3.71 115495157 2024-01-30 4:31:31 309 days ago 1706589091 0.001 ETH$3.71 114670461 2024-01-11 2:21:39 328 days ago 1704939699 0.041065859440514 ETH$152.49 111903664 2023-11-08 1:15:05 392 days ago 1699406105 0.00015697024245 ETH$0.58 111903453 2023-11-08 1:08:03 392 days ago 1699405683 0.000109139203982 ETH$0.41 110528988 2023-10-07 5:32:33 424 days ago 1696656753 0.001100757910783 ETH$4.09 109355540 2023-09-10 1:37:37 451 days ago 1694309857 0.009877843482266 ETH$36.68 109355490 2023-09-10 1:35:57 451 days ago 1694309757 0.009894331787397 ETH$36.74 109355490 2023-09-10 1:35:57 451 days ago 1694309757 0.009894331787397 ETH$36.74 109181010 2023-09-06 0:39:57 455 days ago 1693960797 0.0108185909645 ETH$40.17 108252990 2023-08-15 13:05:57 476 days ago 1692104757 0.010864744636244 ETH$40.34 107452972 2023-07-28 0:38:41 495 days ago 1690504721 0.000101973257443 ETH$0.38 106892727 2023-07-15 1:23:51 508 days ago 1689384231 0 ETH$0.00 106814897 2023-07-13 6:09:31 510 days ago 1689228571 0.01337666041873 ETH$49.67 106503316 2023-07-06 1:03:29 517 days ago 1688605409 0.015748577189544 ETH$58.48 Latest 4 Deposits
L2 Txn Hash L1 Deposit Txn Value Token 0x165714dc365fe61ea6f3c2cdc00c4db7fbae92aaf4f6059e8c3065cbfd401fce 2022-10-29 11:23:56 767 days ago 1667042636 0.001 Ether (ETH) 0x84be27b977031d42a760a21467945c4035c4ce81e08c2e3a62ee13d052106b0b 2022-10-28 4:58:08 768 days ago 1666933088 1,391 POOBIRDS (POOB) 0x9571004d8efae1ec09dbecf7ac1810c0c265cf8632d329ffef2901b3a9ab4191 2022-06-01 0:13:07 917 days ago 1654042387 0.005 Ether (ETH) 0xd328ac5c229ac92535ce0bb29ed1d1201c7d33dec742c94c2c61343dadae331d 2022-05-06 5:48:02 943 days ago 1651816082 0.009999323499302846 Ether (ETH) Loading...LoadingLoading...LoadingLoading...LoadingMultichain Portfolio | 29 Chains
Chain Token Portfolio % Price Amount Value SCROLL 41.72% $3,708.16 0.0959 $355.56 SCROLL 0.88% $3,912.33 0.00190939 $7.47 SCROLL 0.09% $0.245549 3.084 $0.7572 BASE 14.45% $3,713.46 0.0332 $123.2 BASE 1.78% <$0.000001 295,774,647 $15.17 BASE 0.56% $0.004596 1,032.3037 $4.74 BASE 0.46% $0.309683 12.5621 $3.89 BASE 0.12% $0.998892 1 $0.9988 BASE 0.02% <$0.000001 17,761,776 $0.1882 BASE 0.02% $0.028682 5 $0.1434 ETH 5.97% $3,713.63 0.0137 $50.86 ETH 1.43% $3,708.88 0.00329106 $12.21 ETH 0.53% $1 4.5026 $4.51 ETH 0.25% $1.08 1.9977 $2.17 ETH 0.24% $0.000213 9,500 $2.02 ETH 0.23% $1 1.9465 $1.95 ETH 0.23% $0.000037 52,000 $1.93 ETH 0.07% $0.055602 10 $0.556 ETH 0.05% $2.06 0.2 $0.412 ETH 0.03% $17.03 0.0149 $0.2543 ARB 3.93% $3,712.36 0.00902963 $33.52 ARB 2.63% $0.998959 22.4292 $22.41 ARB 0.18% $37.57 0.042 $1.58 ARB 0.08% $1.05 0.6652 $0.6991 ARB 0.08% $95,495 0.00000728 $0.6952 ARB 0.07% $1.11 0.5 $0.555 ARB 0.06% $4.36 0.1142 $0.4977 ARB 0.06% $2.69 0.1843 $0.4958 ARB 0.05% $1 0.4606 $0.4606 ARB 0.04% $3,718.03 0.0001026 $0.3814 ARB 0.04% $0.019672 16.3398 $0.3214 ARB 0.02% $63.64 0.00317126 $0.2018 ARB 0.02% $0.0049 29.5385 $0.1447 ARB 0.02% $0.028673 5 $0.1433 ARB 0.01% $1.5 0.0759 $0.1138 POL 4.43% $0.716094 52.6885 $37.73 POL 1.26% $95,764 0.00011211 $10.74 POL 0.15% $248.91 0.00511626 $1.27 POL 0.13% $1 1.1375 $1.14 POL 0.13% $24.24 0.0462 $1.12 POL 0.08% $0.827253 0.85 $0.7031 POL 0.06% $3.47 0.1381 $0.4792 POL 0.04% $0.020131 15.4104 $0.3102 POL 0.03% $0.71606 0.415 $0.2971 POL 0.03% $249.96 0.00101779 $0.2544 POL 0.03% $0.142599 1.7371 $0.2477 POL 0.02% $0.990631 0.2007 $0.1987 POL 0.02% $1.33 0.1457 $0.1937 POL 0.02% $151.19 0.0011291 $0.1707 POL 0.02% $3,718.03 0.0000435 $0.1617 POL 0.01% $0.823259 0.1541 $0.1268 POL 0.01% $0.99986 0.1113 $0.1112 POL 0.01% $47.37 0.00215089 $0.1018 AVAX 3.27% $53.85 0.5181 $27.9 AVAX 0.24% $0.999983 2.0354 $2.04 AVAX 0.05% $0.430683 1 $0.4306 AVAX 0.02% $62.94 0.00290571 $0.1828 AVAX 0.01% $0.99986 0.101 $0.1009 OP Ether (ETH)1.13% $3,713.22 0.00259353 $9.63 OP 1.02% $3.08 2.8195 $8.68 OP 0.47% $249.96 0.0159 $3.97 OP 0.12% $0.99878 1 $0.9987 OP 0.09% $3,718.03 0.00021578 $0.8022 OP 0.05% $0.99986 0.4483 $0.4482 OP 0.04% $1 0.3393 $0.3396 OP 0.02% $0.001427 120 $0.1712 LINEA 2.57% $3,708.16 0.00590539 $21.9 MANTLE 1.40% $1.07 11.1914 $11.93 MANTLE 0.11% $1 0.9406 $0.9434 GNO 1.25% $1 10.693 $10.69 GNO 0.03% $279.26 0.00085315 $0.2382 BSC 1.02% $771.46 0.0112 $8.66 BSC 0.16% $95,788.83 0.00001393 $1.33 BSC 0.04% $0.464514 0.7222 $0.3354 BSC 0.04% $3,708.69 0.00009 $0.3337 BSC 0.01% $1.01 0.1037 $0.1052 BLAST 0.97% $3,713.68 0.00221942 $8.24 GLMR 0.44% $3,709.39 0.001 $3.71 GLMR 0.27% $0.403473 5.7819 $2.33 GLMR 0.14% $0.405651 3.0439 $1.23 ARBNOVA 0.52% $3,714.43 0.0012027 $4.47 TAIKO 0.47% $3,708.16 0.00108794 $4.03 FTM 0.35% $1.24 2.3802 $2.96 OPBNB 0.33% $771.92 0.003659 $2.82 ZKSYNC 0.17% $3,713.63 0.00038547 $1.43 CELO 0.15% $1.1 1.1899 $1.31 ZKEVM 0.12% $0.999983 1 $0.9999 WEMIX <0.01% $1.22 0.0389 $0.047285 MOVR <0.01% $20.45 0.00066775 $0.013655 [ Download: CSV Export ][ Download: CSV Export ][ Download: CSV Export ]A wallet address is a publicly available address that allows its owner to receive funds from another party. To access the funds in an address, you must have its private key. Learn more about addresses in our Knowledge Base.
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